Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Welcome to Jamaa Town School Blog!

Whatup Jammers!

I'm Margo00 from Animal Jam, but you can call me Coz! :)

I created a school on Animal Jam and have been running it for quite awhile now. I named my school,

Jamaa Town School. I run my school almost every day and I teach Jamaa

History(mostly),Art,English,and also Music! I plan to create more classes but right now I am going to

 stick with what I have done. I teach school pretty different from alot of schools. For example, if a

student comes for class I only keep them there for ONE class subject, than they have a choice to stay

for another class or go. :) I find this way is easier for myself and also students! I also go on fieldtrips

with some of my classes. I show them observations I make around Jamaa. In Jamaa History Class I

teach about facts and such about Shamans, Lands, Mira, and Zios. I create stories as well for Jamaa

History Class! Feel free to check out Jamaa Town School at my den! Thank you so much!

~ Coz


  1. Cool!! I also have a school, where I tell stories of Jamaa and go on field trips, but not as cool as yours sounds!!

    1. Thanks for the support! I'm sure your school is epic!!!:D
      Haha, hey, we have something in common. We both have schools on AJ, that's pretty cool! :)
      ~ Coz
