Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sorry I Was Gone

Whatup Jammers.

I'm really sorry for not posting in a long while. Things came up, and my mom died last week. So I..Miss her a lot. I'll post soon and do the blog update, just not right now.

Hope you understand.


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Cosmo is back home!

Hey,hey,hey,Coz here!!!!!!

Exciting news for you Jammers, Cosmo the koala shaman is back home from traveling with the other koalas!!! They have discovered a new land while they were gone, Kimbara Outback! I love the name of the new land alot, sounds really...summery I guess lol :P

I noticed there were two buildings in Kimbara Outback one of them (picture above) seems as if it will be selling furniture soon!:) Awesome! The other building has a sign with some kind of cross over it. Sounds like a mystery to me, any of you have some kind of guess as to what the building with the mysterious cross will be in the future?

Many of you may have noticed the new design of the map! Personally, I like the older one better but the map will suit me :) No worries!

Not forgetting the new addition to animals in Jamaa, the kangaroo is now available at the Diamond Shop!:) The kangaroos look epic to me, I am also quite curious as to what the Kangaroo Shaman's name will be!

Last but not least is Tunnel Town! Tunnel Town has become one of the top 20 games in the App Store!:) I uploaded Tunnel Town, and it is a great game!I am on Level 10,how bout you Jammers???

If you havn't uploaded Tunnel Town on your apple product, you should totally get it.:)

P.S. - Jamaa Town School has been going on everyday and it's going out great! I'm thinking about a new class but so far I am working on the Foreign Language class!:) I am teaching Tongan and Spanish. :)

I hope to see ya'll in Jamaa, because that would be epic fun!
Jam On everyone!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Did I hear that right?!?

Wassup Jammers!

:D Since I'm saving the big update until the 26th I am going to post small updates and such. Today I worked on something and it turned out pretty good! You can now listen to music while your surfing the JTS Blog! I hope all of you Jammers like the new touch to the blog.

I will be adding JTS Blog Contests soon and for prizes you could choose 2 songs of your choice and I'll add it to my blog, so you can have songs of your liking on here!:) (Be aware that I must approve the songs first)

Jam to the music!


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Big Update is going to come soon!

Hey!I know I have been absent for quite sometime, but I am working on some projects/ideas!:)

I'm really excited about it,but I won't tell you yet haha. Hopefully you Jammers will love the update I will make. The update will be along with the AJ update, on July 26th!

New things are going to be updated, and I am working hard on making it better. :)

Hope to see you around Jamaa so we can chill!


P.S. - The Yearbook will be updated on July 26th, sorry for the disappointment!

Friday, July 19, 2013



I havn't posted in awhile...I'm really sorry!!!!!!!!

I was on vacation in my homelands(yes I have two,lol), Hawaii and New Zealand! I am back now and I will update some things!!!!:)

Hope you can forgive me for leaving like that!D=

Hope to see you all in Jamaa!


Wednesday, July 10, 2013

JTS Updates & Weird Glitches

Make A Jammin Cup of Co Coa Co. Lol (Weird Sayings Run In My Family dude/dudette)

I saw a weird glitch at the 'Best Dressed' game in Coral Canyons. I checked some other AJ Blogs lately and the owners of the blogs seem to have been experiencing weird glitches these days!

Here is the glitch! It seems there are TWO Jammers playing. When they won 1st Place (They were the only one who won 1st Place on that round) 200 gems were sent to TWO Jammers. I thought this was unfair and weird because they both gems but they were in the same spot so you didn't know if they were both actually playing or just one was and the other player already was gone off the game.

Other than these weird glitches, today I have added some new things to the blog!:) I hope you Jammers like the new update!

I have created a "JTS Classes" link right under the Blog Archive (on the right side of the blog). You can now click on the link and check out some more descriptive things about the classes in JTS! :) Sorry, I havn't had any time to add any pictures to them, but I will soon. Comment on one the class pages and tell me if you want to join that class. :)



Monday, July 8, 2013

Yearbook Update

Hey Jammers!

I have updated the Yearbook again! There are some new jammers who have joined us! (I am running school  again right after I post this so there might be more changes after this on the Yearbook)
Please comment if you have any questions or you would like to join JTS!

I have also created a 'Other AJ Blogs' page on JTS Blog, so be sure to tell me if you want your Blog listed up there. Here is an example of how you can leave your Blog info for me.

Username - Margo00
Blog Name - Jamaa Town School Blog
Blog URL - jamaatownschool.blogspot.com
Brief Description - Hi, I'm Coz! Check out my blog for updates on my school on AJ, Jamaa Town School! There are also some updates on AJ items, glitches, shamans, and such! Happy Jamming!
~ Coz

Hope all is well with you guys, jammers!

~ Coz

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Beta Adventures

Today I am taking a break from teaching. (Sometimes I like to just go around and earn gems and talk with friends.) I thought maybe I would go around to the BETA ADVENTURES. One of my friends let me use their member account (He put in their user and password so I did not hack it if you are really wondering). I tryed out the adventures and it's super fun!!! I can't wait until non-members are allowed to play too. I took some screenshots while I was playing the first part so non members can have a peek of how it looks like. :) 



     About to help Liza. Pretty Epic!

    (Sorry for the bad quality, I have been using my Ipad)
   Anyway, this is Buster. HE LOOKS PRETTY EPIC :D

   UGH! Look at the river! The phantoms polluted it :(

   Ohhh, phantoms, why can't you be nicer??? 0.0

   You talk with another bunny and you help her put a cork over the pipe to stop the pollution!
   Go GREEN! 

You have to collect 3 more corks, but beware! Phantoms are out to get you, if you get caught, you        will fall into a deep sleep!!!!=[

   This is me(using my friend's account when he let me). AHHH! I got caught!!!!:/



A Random Glitch

It's 12:30 a.m. where I am, and I'm awake! Why? No clue, coffee kept me awake I guess...

Anyway, I decided to check out AJ to see what was on in Jamaa Township. I was going to buy a clothing item but this glitch came up!!! Lol, if it was true that would have blown me away! 
Have you guys ever had this glitch before? This is the first ever I'v had this glitch on me, and I have been on AJ since beta days, so this glitch is pretty interesting to me.

Here's a screenshot I took. :)

Weird right? 

I tried to buy something to see what would happen but it didn't do anything. I had to log out after awhile. Comment your thoughts about this glitch! :D

I was buying some furniture yesterday and now I can't store any more stuff!Ahhh!
Since I'm a non-member (I used to be a member, but I might get membership before summer ends, hopefully) I don't really have ALOT of storage like members do. That's okay though, no worries! I created a back up account so I can store more things. My backup username is Cozentin0. I hope to see you guys in Jamaa, so add me and comment and I'll try to be on AJ the same time as you! :)

 This is my backup account I'm on!

I got two new pets!!!:) 
Uberton (red and white) & Riverton (brown and blue)

P.S. - I know Yearbook looks quite odd right now and all,with how it's arranged! I'm going to fix it up later today, I tried doing it on my Ipad, but it doesn't work that well so I will use my laptop to do it!



Friday, July 5, 2013

JTS Debate Team is coming soon

Hey Jammers!

I know...the title...like, "Woah...dude! Debate team? Sounds like it's not going to be pleasant!"

Well! Many students requested a Debate Team in Jamaa Town School. I think it's a good idea, but I'm worried if the debates will become out of hand. That is where me and a student have talked about creating JTS Debate Team. Her name is Swimming Fastpaw, and she will be Jamaa Town School's Debate Team leader. :) Originally she was the jammer who inspired me to think of Debate Classes, I asked about 6 other jammers earlier what they thought and they said they would love a debate team. So... There is going to be a Debate Team! I will be making rules though, to keep the debates from becoming out of hand! 

Here is a screenshot I took of me and Swimming on our talk about the debate team! 

Also, there will be a "mini blog" kind of thinga-ma-jig soon coming to Jamaa Town School Blog!
I will make one entitled, "JTS Classes". This mini blog will give you a peek at classes in Jamaa Town School and how we interact in classes. :) 

P.S. - Yearbook will soon be updated with our newest members to Jamaa Town School!!!

Epic Jammin' in Jamaa, Jammers!



Well, I saw the new Summer Carnival item!!! It's a Sun Hat. In my opinion, it's kinda creepy! lthough, it's your opinion.:) 

(Credit to Snowyclaw of Animal Jam Spirit for this picture)

Anyway July 4th came and went, for me, it was a blast! So I hope alot of you had a great time celebrating July 4th!!!

Also, I'v read on Animal Jam Spirit about the rumors and everything about Snowyclaw. I thought this was really mean and inappropriate to even start these measly rumors!Snowyclaw told his side of the story today on a post and I chose to believe him. You can chose whose side your on,but hey, Snowy also mentioned that most of the jammers who started these rumors are now friends with Snowyclaw. So we shouldn't be so angry with them for the rumors. In Jamaa History Class yesterday instead of teaching, I let students tell me and the class what they thought about Jamaa and also what they wanted improvements on in Jamaa in the future! Most of the jammers wanted scamming,bullying,rudeness,and inappropriate behavior to be gone. Our actions now is what will make us be who we are in the future. So today's lesson, make the world a better place. We ARE the next generation of JAMAA! 

Kudos to Snowyclaw and to all Jammers who believe there are good things to come in Jamaa!


Thursday, July 4, 2013

Yearbook and Stories page

It's here!

I have created the Yearbook for JTS, and I have also made a 'Stories' page! I hope all you jammers will find this blog a good one! I will try to post more and add more of the students in JTS currently to the Yearbook!

Have a great day!!!!!!!!

~ Coz

Members Page!!!!

Hey Jammers!

I was doing some thinking last night and thought, 'What if I made a members page on my blog?'. Well I am going to make a Members Page soon on Jamaa Town School Blog! I will post every member of Jamaa Town School, and if you would like you can pledge to become a permanent member of Jamaa Town School, Home to the Jamaa Searchers(New Team Name)! I will post the official pledge on the Members Page soon. :) If you have any questions, comment or e-mail me at the following e-mail address: ajcozentino@gmail.com

Happy Jamming!

~ Coz

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Welcome to Jamaa Town School Blog!

Whatup Jammers!

I'm Margo00 from Animal Jam, but you can call me Coz! :)

I created a school on Animal Jam and have been running it for quite awhile now. I named my school,

Jamaa Town School. I run my school almost every day and I teach Jamaa

History(mostly),Art,English,and also Music! I plan to create more classes but right now I am going to

 stick with what I have done. I teach school pretty different from alot of schools. For example, if a

student comes for class I only keep them there for ONE class subject, than they have a choice to stay

for another class or go. :) I find this way is easier for myself and also students! I also go on fieldtrips

with some of my classes. I show them observations I make around Jamaa. In Jamaa History Class I

teach about facts and such about Shamans, Lands, Mira, and Zios. I create stories as well for Jamaa

History Class! Feel free to check out Jamaa Town School at my den! Thank you so much!

~ Coz